5 Reliable Steps To Train Your Dog

Naziya Shaikh
3 min readApr 26, 2022

Dogs are God’s gift to mankind and are the best mate anyone can have. They will love you unconditionally and bring a smile to your faces on a dull day. But, there are also a lot of responsibilities that have to be fulfilled when keeping a pet. Having a pet is like having a toddler. You have to run after them, care for them and stay awake in the night to comfort them and help them to sleep.

While training your dog, it is essential to stick to a routine and not let things go out of control. It is essential to reward good behavior and correct bad behavior to teach them to scratch and train them the right way. So, here are five ways to train your dog easily and teach them basic tricks and good behavior.

1. Illustrate Your Command

The first step in training any dog is to make it clear what you’re asking. Dogs don’t understand language naturally, so you need to illustrate to the dog what the command means. For example, if you’re asking your dog to sit, give the command, then gently push the dog’s bottom to the ground.

2. Reward Good Behavior

While training your dog initially can be hard, it is very important for you to not get carried away and not go all out. Make sure to play with your dog thoroughly and while training, do reward good behavior as much as you can and give them utmost love and attention.

3. Teach The Dogs Its Name

Whatever name you’ve given your dog, make sure that they start responding to it from the very beginning. They should get to know what their name is and should respond and react when they are being called by their name.

Wait until your dog is not looking at you and then say name in a very bright and happy tone. As soon as your dog turns to look at you, mark this with a clicker or a word to let the dog know this is the right reaction, a word like “yes” or “good”, and then immediately give your dog a treat.

4. Be Patient

Training takes energy, effort and time! When you’re training your dog you’re changing their behavior. It will take more than one attempt. You’ll want to start with the basics and build on those achievements. You are communicating with an animal that does not speak the same language as you! Your dog wants to understand, but give them time to understand your expectations and command, be really patient!

5. Get Excited

As soon as your dog understands what you’re asking them to do, get excited the first few times the dog is successful. If you make training rewards the most enjoyable, your dog will be eager to complete new commands.

Rub their head, give them treats, and shower your pup with love, and your dog will soon understand the learning process.


Follow these five steps to training your pup and you’ll be well on your way to a well-behaved and trained dog! Everybody needs their own space. Setting up a corner for your dog can be its go-to space for chewing a bone or sleeping. Remember, the training process takes time, so start a dog-obedience training session only if you’re in the right mindset to practice calm-assertive energy and patience.

